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23rd December 2019

What We Learned in 2019 - Top Marketing Advice For Small Businesses

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Well, 2019 is now finally the year that was, and what a year it’s been! It’s certainly been a successful one for us, and we hope for you too, both in business and in your personal life.

As we start 2020, it’s high time to revisit some of the marketing topics and ideas we’ve explored over the course of 2019, and recap the most useful things we’ve learned with you.

If you’re already looking ahead to the new year and everything it could bring for your business, then download our 2020 marketing calendar to start getting your plan in place for a very successful year.

First, let’s head way back into the mists of time - January 2019, to be exact, and work through the highlights from each month of the year.

January: How To Keep Your New Year’s Business Resolutions

The start of the year is a time to make good on the resolutions you’ve made to better yourself, and that’s as true in business as in day-to-day life.

But just as in life, resolutions can be notoriously hard to stick to, which is why we put together these 6 principles to help you stay true to your goals and turn new motivations into daily habits. Click here to check them out.

February: How To Make Your Customers Fall In Love With You

In the dead of winter, a bit of Valentine’s passion can keep us warm. You want your customers to feel strongly about your business, right?

Well, like the love gurus we are, we brought you 7 tips on how to get them shouting their undying affection from the rooftops, covering everything from customer service to content marketing. Get acquainted with them right here.

March: Why Print And Digital Media Advertising Complement Each Other

Good marketing campaigns span formats, building brand awareness by reaching people at different stages of their day. In this piece from March, we explored why a judicious blend of traditional and online media is a better solution than putting all your eggs in one basket. Enjoy it here.

April: How To Win Nearby Customers With Google Ads

Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising on Google can be a quickfire way of scooping up local customers like chocolate in an Easter egg hunt.

Read this article for 8 simple techniques that can help you take advantage of this service and drive swift conversions.

May: 4 Marketing Tips From Big Brands (That You Can Rip-Off)

The biggest brands in the world - the ones with real, instant name-recognition - haven’t got there through sloppy marketing.

You may not have grandiose ambitions to rise to the level of a Nike or McDonalds (though if you do, we’re behind you all the way). However, there are some basic things that those megabrands have got right that businesses operating at all levels can emulate and learn from. Get to grips with them here.

June: How To Manage Your Marketing Budget

Knowing where to spend your money is a crucial part in making more of it. There are 4 elemental stages in the journey a customer makes, via your marketing, towards a sale, and you need to apportion your resources to make a difference at each one.

To discover these 4 steps and how you can use your budget to make them work, click here.

July: 6 Steps To Finding Your Business’s Brand Voice

What does your business sound like? It might not be a question you’ve really thought about before, but the basic characteristics you convey through your marketing, and how they create a ‘brand’ in customers’ heads, really do matter.

What should your brand sound like? Fiery and uncompromising like an inland summer heatwave, or cool and collected like a balmy beachside breeze in July? It’s up to you, but you can recap how to go about working it out here.

August: 6 Essential Marketing Stats For Small Businesses

Even in the silly season, it’s important to keep up to date with the business trends that matter. That’s why, in August, we compiled 6 facts about the current state of play in digital marketing.

Re-familiarise yourself with the fundamentals of the marketing landscape, from social media to email, by clicking here.

September: 5 Marketing Myths We All Need To Stop Believing

September is back to school season, and part of the role of any good teacher is correcting misunderstandings. So, we thought we’d play mythbusters too, and disabuse people of some popular yet misleading marketing porky pies.

We picked out 5 misleading commonplaces that we often hear in order to shine a bit of light on how marketing really works. Click here to read on.

October: The Top 6 Benefits Of Video Marketing

We’re more than happy to sing the praises of video advertising all year round, and we don’t think there’s any marketing medium more powerful.

In October, with the daylight getting shorter and the breeze colder, people don’t need any encouragement to get cosy in their own homes and watch videos online. We wrote this article back then to show you why getting on their screens is such a good idea. Read it here.

November: How Seasonality Can Help You Plan Your Campaigns For The New Year

If we didn’t think it was important to make content relevant to the seasons, we wouldn’t have written a New Year’s round-up! But great seasonal marketing takes more than just putting out material at certain times of the year.

To really tap into the seasonal peaks that will grow your business, you need to plan your campaigns well in advance. Click here for a few pointers to great planning.

December: The Top Tips For Local Business Success At Christmas

What else could December mean but Christmas content, tied up in a bow? We know that Christmas has just been and gone, but if you want some early-bird tips to give your business the great festive period it deserves in 2020, have a gander at our list of tips here.

We’ll be back with more top-tier marketing advice very soon, but until then, we wish you a peaceful start to 2020. Happy New Year!

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